Monday, August 23, 2010

Online Marketing Tools - Become A Leader In Your Market

Online marketing tools are great but have you ever thought about offering incentives? This is not a cutting edge, state of the art marketing strategy although, it has been known bring a struggling business to new heights and in my personal opinion, this marketing strategy is not given the credit it deserves. Incentives have probably played a big part in your list building. Have you ever given away a PDF, ebook or software etc.?

If you’re involved in any type of online business regardless of what your business is, it might be in your interest to look into some sort of program that you can use to your advantage so you can offer more value to your prospective customers or clients. People like to get things free, always have and always will. So the more you give people what they want the faster you will get what you want.

Along the way many marketers and ordinary people like you and I have realized in order to fully maximize their benefits from sales and traffic you need to give before you can expect to receive.

In other words, you need high quality incentives and software to often times take your business to the next level. Showing people that you are willing to offer them something so valuable will demonstrate that you are not just another pushy, desperate, just looking to make a sale Internet marketer.


Incentive Programs – A Marketing Strategy Magnet Perfect for List Building

Posted via email from Angie Mitchell's posterous

Friday, August 6, 2010

Getting Started With List Building

If you’re ready to start list building, there are some important things you need to know before you begin. Just follow these five tips for getting started in list building for what ever product, program or service you are promoting.

1. A important factor when you start to build your list is making sure that you believe in what you are promoting. The reason why this is important is because people smell a fake a mile away. If you don’t believe in the product, program or service you're promoting, then you run the risk of not making many sales at all.

2. Another important consideration for list building is where you purchase your marketing tools from. It’s critical that you make sure that where ever you purchase your online tools from that you are able to take your list with you wherever it is that you might go now or in the future because there is no point in list building if you can't take your leads with you. If you make sure that you can, then you’ll be fine.

3. You don’t have to spend alot of money in order to market, manage and start building your list. All you need to do is shop around, and make sure that you have your own complete set and can take your leads with you if and when you leave.

4. Instead of complicating your list building efforts by having an autoresponder service at one place and a capture page maker in another, try it this way: do your research and then after finding and feeling good about what you are investing in for the life of your business don't hesitate because regardless where you purchase from, you are going to need the right tools just like any other profession out there. In fact, if you stop for a second, then you will find that what you may need is staring you right in the face.

5. Have you considered building trusting relationships with the people on your list? It’s not as difficult as you might think. What you need to do is automate.

So if you really want to start building your list, follow these tips to save time, money and energy you put into building your business and start enjoying the real pleasures in your life while making your list building efforts a little easier.

Angie Mitchell is a full time internet marketer and found a marketing strategy that works.

Are you interested in online marketing, Internet business and learning how to use online marketing tools in your online business? Are you sick of “gurus” trying to sell you the latest get rich quick online deal?

Getting educated, is the key to real online wealth.

Read quality articles on tools, tips and techniques – Visit my blog: High Performance Online Marketing Tools.

Posted via email from Angie Mitchell's posterous

An Amazing Offer From 12 Second Commute... So How's Business?

Have you heard of 12 Second Commute?

If there was only one thing I could suggest for any Internet Marketer, whether you're working affiliate programs, have your own site, are involved with MLM or Network Marketing, or maybe you're just getting started, the one thing most newcomers to this industry is marketing tools, these is all too often overlooked.

These are the tools you WILL need to market and advertise your business. I know most come on the scene looking to make money not invest money.

Putting it bluntly, if you don't invest in your business, your business will cease to exist.

I bet I just lost you and you are ready to leave this page because you don't want to hear that. But that's the cold hard truth.

Watch the video below and listen VERY closely. I hope you take action. Of course you could search online for marketing tools but I can tell you you will not find a better bargain than what 12 Second Commute has to offer you.

You can get unlimited marketing tools for $19/month (50% Off).","allowfullscreen":"true"" src="" height="230" alt="" width="350" />

Click Here and take a 30 Day free trial and see for yourself.

You would be wise to upgrade within your first 5 days so you can get the discount!

From a very happy 12 Second Commute account owner :)

Angie Mitchell
Skype: angiebt79828

Posted via email from Angie Mitchell's posterous

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

List Building - 3 Tips To Always Keep In Mind

I’m sure you’ve heard by now if you are involved in the internet marketing industry that list building, sustaining that list, and selling to a targeted list is the most profitable option to making money on the internet.

Of course there are other options, which is why, in my opinion, making a living online is a fantastic and exciting means of employment. That coupled with the fact the I don’t like to work around someone else’s schedule allows me to work on the number one most important aspect with working online, list building.

I’ll be the first to admit that list building isn’t easy – in fact, it’s one of the hardest things to do online, and anyone who tells you different is straight up trying to pull the wool over your eyes.

Building a list, and keeping a list takes constant dedication to your niche and your customers. This article will briefly go over some of the best ways you can build, sustain, and profit from your list. Assuming you are using the right online marketing tools ie: email autoresponders, capture page creator, contact manager etc? These are the types of marketing tools you will need to build your list.

Sounds pretty straight forward, right?

List building.

First of all we all have to start somewhere so if you are reading this and you have nobody on your list, I want you to pay very close attention to this next line: Building your list starts and ends with your willingness to help people with a particular problem they are facing, and a solution you are providing.

You can use many different methods to build your list; the 3 big ones are organic traffic, paid traffic, and referral style traffic.

You might trial and error to see what works best for you. I’ve found that organic traffic works best with article marketing and blogging. Once you have brought people to your site, blog, or sales page you must capture their excitement by getting their email address, name, and any other information you might be asking for on your opt-in form. You must use an opt-in form to do this, and this a tool no marketer should be without.

Sustaining your list.

Getting people to sign up for your list is one thing, but keeping them there, informed, and excited is another. There are several ways you can keep your lists attention. A great way of doing this is to have at least 4-6 months worth of weekly emails that will automatically be sent to them. This will do 2 things; keep them informed and keep you in the know about what’s new in your niche.

Profiting to your list.

The most exhilarating part about having your own list is being able to convert them and make a profit. One very important thing to note: if you are involved with an affiliate program and do not own your own email autoresponder and keep using the companies, you are likely building the companies list and not your own. Ask if you are able to take your list with you if or when you leave.

While you are educating them and being helpful to them with their problem, you can sell those products and services that are related to your niche. There is a fine line you must walk here.

Do not become one of those marketers that try to sell their lists on a daily basis. You will find out very quickly that your list is not interested in buying something from you everyday. Instead, pick your times, and offer something of value before you try to sell to them.

If you have not offered something valuable yet, then you are not ready to sell to your list.

Lastly, never stop list building!

Angie Mitchell

Skype: angiebt79828

Posted via email from Angie Mitchell's posterous